Many students all over the world face the same problems while the studying process goes on. However, most of them consider lab report writing not an easy thing to do. Actually this is really so, as this kind of academic writing requires a high level of professionalism, sufficient knowledge and skills in research and analysis. This kind of work should be organized in a proper way, thus a final mark for it is based on grounds of quality of the paper, its format and style, content and sources that were used and the research that was done. Even for experienced students this task can be a challenge. This is the reason why most of them are looking for professional assistance in this part of studying process.
Present studying process gives one of the leading positions to lab report writing, as a form of imperative writing oriented on the acquired knowledge and experimentation. However, it usually consists of several parts that are logically connected. Presentation and speech writing are like parts of entire system and are served to show how students organize and develop their thoughts and way of thinking. However, this kind of academic writing develops communicative skills and broadens the outlook of a student
Lab Report Writing for the Best Academic Results
When you are doing a scientific experiment, be ready to write a perfect lab report. This is a mandatory component of any scientific work, so you cannot avoid it. The purpose of lab report writing is to provide your instructor with a persuasive report of your scientific results. It is persuasive, because you will need to convince your instructor that all procedures and standards were followed and that the results of your experiment have scientific worth. Besides, when writing a lab report, you also inform your fellow scientists about your achievements. Your task is to justify the legitimacy of your experiment and its results.
These are the goals you are to fulfill when writing a lab report. You are going to face a challenge if the results of your experiment contradict earlier findings. Besides, you will need to follow your instructor’s requirements. Make sure that your lab report includes such sections as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Sometimes, you may need to include other sections as well. For example, you may need to discuss Implications. This is why it is worth consulting your professor before you start writing.
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In the introductory section of your lab report, you will specify the purpose of your scientific experiment. You will provide background information to justify the importance of your experiment. Your purpose statement must be clear and fit in the context of your assignment. Once you present some background information, you will need to narrow down the scope of your experiment and link it to earlier findings. With this information, it will be easier for your reader to understand the meaning of your experiment. You will develop a hypothesis that further needs to be tested. It needs to include dependent and independent variables. However, do not forget to develop a good hypothesis before you conduct the experiment. Justify its meaning and logic. Tell your readers why you think you will be able to prove the hypothesis.
This section is for you to explain all procedures and instruments you have used in your experiment. Make sure that this section includes every single detail of your experiment. Your writing should be done, so that any other reader could easily replicate your experiment. This is why it is so important not to omit even the slightest details. Share it with your reader. What exactly did you do? How did you do it? What did you expect? What happened in reality? The methodology section of your lab report will be written in the past tense. However, do not discuss any results of your experiment in this section. You will do it later in your lab report.
In this section, you will present the main results (data) from your scientific experiment. Most likely, this will be the smallest section in your lab report, because you will not provide any explanations. You will simply include graphics (tables, charts, etc.) and a brief narrative to specify the achievements of your experiment. Check if the text provided in this section matches the data in your tables and charts. Do not include any data that does not relate specifically to your project. Do not argue what types of data are more or less relevant. Do not explain anything. However, you must say if the data support your hypothesis. Do not interpret the data.
This is where you will finally have an opportunity to explain and interpret the data. You will propose explanations and conclusions using the results of your experiment. Apart from explaining the results, you will also need to evaluate the rigor and robustness of your procedures. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your experimental procedure and evaluate the effects they could have on experimental results. You must be objective in your statements; therefore, you must recognize that your experiment has strengths, but also has weaknesses. Besides, you will need to include additional information. For example, discuss the implications your experiment may have for theory and practice. Translate your experiment into something bigger that may have value for future generations, if it does not sound too pathetic.
At the end, you will list the references you have cited in the body of your report. Remember that every claim you make in your lab report must be supported with evidence. Check that all citations have a corresponding reference at the end of your report. Check the grammar, spelling and style of your lab report. Check your report for plagiarism. Submit a perfect report to your instructor for grading!
It is very important to organize your lab report in a right way, thus its structure plays a significant role in determining the essence of its content.
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