The Use of Force in Today’s Society
Law enforcement officers have continued to use force during their normal duties. The force is allowed under particular circumstances such as in defense or in self-defense of a group or another individual. Even though there is no...
The Development of Mindfulness in China
In the context of well-being, mindfulness is considered an appropriate solution to many of life’s challenges. Mindfulness in this case is considered as more of an art of living that enables the individual to live in the present rather...
Mao’s Adaptation to Reality Strategy
In Mao Zedong and China in the Twentieth-century World, Rebecca E. Karl tells the story of Mao Zedong’s path to the Head of the Chinese Communist Party through the...
Depression among Chinese Older Adults
Depression has been a health problem that has affected a lot of people in different countries. It has portrayed a series of personal consequences to the affected people...
Social Judgment Theory
According to Social judgment Theory, individuals making Judgment must have a well-structured attitude before developing up any persuasive message. From the perspective of the father of social judgment theory, a person would reject or accept a message...
Does Wealth Ultimately Make One Happy?
Material goods in general and money in particular have a special - quite specific - impact on people and the society. If they are used correctly, they may affect the whole structure of social relationships and can change the entire system of social interaction.
Child Observation
Child observation gives parents and families the ability to cognize the social world, which a kid inhabits. Contemplating a child is a fascinating thing I have experienced for a long time. It is incredible to see how innocent infants view things differently.
The Revival of Korean Culture
Starting with the Korean dramas and K-pop and following with the Korean food, fashion, and lifestyle in general, as shown in the popular culture, South Korea became an ideal country for the consumerist society...
Social Psychology
I remember it like yesterday since it was the most disappointing day of my life. The day started well as usual; during those times it was not only social awkward for boys to walk together with girls, but if such a relationship was suspected,...
Philosophy of Community Corrections
The term “community corrections” denotes all the processes that take place from pretrial diversion to intermediary punishments. These processes include any supervised and non-imprisonment methods of dealing with offenders who have either been or are about to be convicted.