Renaissance Florence
No other historical period gave such great impetus to the development of all forms of art as Renaissance did.

Usability Evaluation
Usability analysis (UA) involves significant methodologies for assessing the practicality aspect of an information system’s user interface (UI) and determining the existential problems. It is a key element of the...

Laughter is Essential for Human Health
According to numerous studies, laughter is extremely importance to people’s health. For example, it can boost immunity, decrease pain, prevent heart diseases, fight...

Influence of Social Media on Fashion
At the current moment the modern fashion is shaped by the social media in the considerable extent. The major argument in this field is that the media became the...

Digital Locks and Reproduction for Private Purpose
Nowadays, people live in a world of digital information and technological growth. Each day, companies face issues with the loss of data and the information flow after all...

The first work of art under consideration is a film directed by Luis Buñuel Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie (Eng. The Discreet Charm of Bourgeoisie). The film was released in...

Film and Fantasy
"With great power comes great responsibility." This saying has been for a long time coined into narratives followed by almost all the superhero films in production today...

Alcohol – The Addicted Brain and Our Addicted Society
Chronic alcoholism is a chronic mental disease. It is a progressive kind of substance abuse, characterized by addiction to alcohol, with mental and physical...

The Old-Good Physical Activity as a Means to Reduce Obesity Rates in the US
A group of researchers from the University of Pittsburg have recently made a somewhat entertaining discovery that a powerful obesity gene found in nearly 25% of Samoans facilitated this rotund people’s quest for territorial aggrandizement several centuries ago.

Miyazaki’s Spirited Away
By constructing his highly imaginative and fantastic worlds, renowned Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki is able to critique and comment the contemporary Japan. In Spirited Away, Miyazaki refers to the themes of parental abandonment, consumerist lifestyle, and a loss of traditional values, among the others.