Twitter History
Twitter social site is listed as one of the fastest growing social sites. Twitter enables people to read and send short messages online. Questionnaires were sent online to ten different respondents to provide the information below. Twitter is the name of an international company that was started by Jack Dorsey with the support of Evans Williams, Noah Glass, and Biz stone. The development of twitter started by the name twitter that was later changed to twitter. Most people use cellphone to twit or even receive the messages hence becoming the popular tool for communication. Twitter was developed by Jack Dorsey an inventor and a Computer Programmer. Jack Dorsey who hails from Louis region in Missouri was born on 19th November 1976. Twitter has a lot of benefits. The micro-blogging movement made it spurs up when it allowed Barack Obama and his competitors in 2008 to use it as a platform for their political campaigns to update the supporters. Twitter further got a bigger achievement and success in June 16, 2009 thousands of people I Iran took into highways to protest against the victory of sitting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. However, it has some advantages and disadvantages just like the other social media sites. Many people carry with them the mobile devices and would wish to get instant answers to the posed questions. Moreover, the politicians can share information about resources with citizens at no worry. It is easier to communicate to your leaders what you want them to implement. The disadvantages include; mobile phones used does not have possess particular based standard compared to Personal Computers and laptops
Twitter social site is listed as one of the fastest growing social sites. It was co-founded by Jack Dorsey and a team of other members. Twitter enables people to read and send short messages online. The developer of twitter social media is a great icon like Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and other great minds that have given the world a breakthrough into the realm of technology. Their input has changed and affected the lives of people positively creating a burst of other technological ideas and spiraling of business ideas. The history of Twitter is vital because it brings into our knowledge the inspiring trends that lead us into development agendas in different specters of life. It is at the point that the history of we take a big stride while looking deeper into the history to set the stage for more ideological innovation and incubation.
It is an obvious and quick way to present Twitter to other uses. Many users forget that the twitter system enables us to tweet us and share own life experiences without worry. Essentially, they are in a position to know what we are doing1.It is easier to source for information from the crowd because the users’ questions can be answered or problems which the people will throw in every comment send to them. Using twitter one can easily get a job placement, upload and get feedback on a particular product. Communicate on an event. Many companies also post their job advertisements on twitter, making it easier for any people or users of Twitter to read the tweets.
People are adopting Twitter for any current and most viable information than waiting for newspapers, watching television or cable news. There are so many freelance journalists and individuals that get news as it happens and post it online on twitter immediately. It is easier for people to organize for appointments with friends, potential employers, clients and other people2. It has proved to be the best site where people can exchange information or ideas about a problem. It is the best for a group messaging system. You can also create different groups for communication or different purposes.
It is the most spectacular place where people can vent out their anger by creating verbal outbursts to the entire world and help them to feel relieved. The sage advice is to let it out, but to who? It’s not like most places of employment have a handy punching bag, and it’s probably not smart to vent to your boss. That’s where Twitter can be helpful because it lets you rage to millions of people. And you might just get some sympathy tweets out of it too. Twitter’s can be used in sport to connect different team mates and hence help them in cheering their team to victory. In addition to that, the twitter helps us in ensuring that we are updated about latest activities taking place. Essentially we can tweet our friends and refer them to view latest movies. This is a true reflection of how it is vital to be a tweeter. The presidents of America used Twitter in politics to reach most of his fans. Thus, Politicians currently use the social media sites such as twitter to reconnect to people. Moreover, the politicians can share information about resources with citizens at no worry. It is easier to communicate to your leaders what you want them to implement. The crisis of Iran was agitated by the twitter because the demonstrators could share information on where to meet and how to approach the opponents.
Moreover, one of the most popular activities in the tweeter system includes the third party based video games. The games are tweeted and shared across different users. For example, spymaster allows you to create a spy ring through using one’s followers as detectives. One generates cash for the spy based ring by finishing tasks both real-time and solo of the various spymasters.
Research Questions
i. What is a tweet and Twitter?
ii. Who developed twitter international company and what is his historical background?
iii. What is the history of Twitter international Company?
iv. What are the developments seen during the year 2006 to 2014?
v. What features does twitter provide to its customers?
vi. What are the popular uses of Twitter as a social media site?
vii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Twitter as an online social network service site?
To answer the above outlined question, the researcher utilized a variety of secondary sources, twitter website itself and also used online questionnaires. The online questionnaires were sent to ten different respondents to provide the information below. The information from all sources were compiled and presented as below:
What is a Tweet? What is Twitter?
A tweet is that sound that is made by a bird. Twitter is the name of an international company that was started by Jack Dorsey with the support of Evans Williams, Noah Glass, and Biz stone3. The development of twitter started by the name twitter that was later changed to twitter. The short messages sent via online platform system are called tweets. It is a miniature blog. Micro-blogging refers to quickest update mainly if it contains a limited amount of characters. It is a feature that one uses to update the status. So what does Twitter mean? It is a one of the place for ensuring to keep people well informed on what you plan to fix without spending a lot of time.
Twitter sites involves an individual follow other people argument about certain items. Most people use cellphone to twit or even receive the messages hence becoming the popular tool for communication. Essentially, most people use it in business for example; Company managers can decide to exchange communication between their departments.
Who Developed Twitter International Company and what is his Historical Background
Twitter was developed by Jack Dorsey an inventor and a Computer Programmer. Jack Dorsey who hails from Louis region in Missouri was born on 19th November 1976. He was interested in website design while in college. Jack founded the twitter page on March 2006. He later served as a Chief executive Officer before chosen to be current Executive Chairman of Twitter4. He has further launched an online mode of payment based system in 2010.
He was raised in St. Louis and had a big concern in computing and even communicating at a tender age. Dorsey was also an ardent program while in high school. The technical test of coordinating taxis was fascinating and inspiring to spur him in evolving software to manage the job. The vehicles used such as delivery van need to constantly communicate for efficient in operation. After fifteen years, designed cab-based software used for communication purposes.
How Jack Dorsey Created Twitter
Jack schooled in Missouri University before joining New York University for further studies. He never finished his studies but dropped out before completion of his degree program. Dorsey relocated to Oakland, California. In 2000, he started a firm offering his post software via the Web5. He also invented the ideology for the social site that will join broad based reach of dispatching software for comfort and quick messaging. Dorsey advanced to buy the outdated Silicon Valley firm known as Odeo and this aimed to answer the question about what you should do so that your friend can know about it. It was a question that was set forth by Biz Stone and later on led to the research, development and actualization of the whole ideology. Evan Williams, Dorsey, Stone, and Odeo began a new firm named Obvious that far ahead grew into Twitter. Dorsey constructed a site in two weeks where clients could directly post short dispatches of one hundred and forty characters or less. It was known in Twitter language as tweets. On 2006, Dorsey twitted his first message. He was then named the company’s chief executive. Evan Williams Co-founder substituted Jack as Twitter’s CEO on 2008 October, with Jack serving on as the firm chairman. Therefore, it has taken the company some decade to grow and become one of the biggest media social sites. Essentially, it replaces face-book even among the youth.
Jack Dorsey’s Twitter Success
Twitter was originally getting a lot of bashing from different quarters as a tool of opening all personal information to the entire world. There were also problems of power outages that the company was also dealing with at an early stage. The involvement and acceptance of celebrities to use Twitter gave it a new lease of life by promoting its image through celebrity communication6. The micro-blogging movement made it spurs up when it allowed Barack Obama and his competitors in 2008 to use it as a platform for their political campaigns to update the supporters. Twitter further got a bigger achievement and success in June 16, 2009 thousands of people I Iran took into highways to protest against the victory of sitting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The government blocked the sites, but people flooded the twitter with tweet updates. Dorsey delayed maintenance for the tweet of the elections in Iran to go on. By 2010, Twitter had one hundred and five million users exchanged information on daily basis. He later became a prominent investor within the social networking company Foursquare and launched certain business ventures for instance square was used for credit based payment. Twitter has indeed revolutionized the way people communicate around the world. In November 2013, he saw his personal fortune grow tremendously in the public offer on the New York stock exchange. He already started discussing the possibility of an IPO for his other company, square, in 2014.
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What is the History of Twitter International Company?
Twitter is a popular and fastest growing networking site. It is a micro-blogging used for sending short messages. The software allows people to be connected and keep in touch. The messages send via twitter are called tweets. The length of the messages is up to one hundred and forty characters7. Users register online by creating accounts with user names and password for access. After registration users can log in and post or read tweets. Unregistered users can only view the tweets but cannot send the tweets. Users can access twitter site by logging on through the web interface short messaging service or mobile device application.
Twitter International Company was born as an idea that the co-founder Jack Dorsey had in mind over a period. The company is based in San Francisco. It has many offices around the world. The company was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, William Evans, Biz stone and Noah Glass plus some other members that teamed up together to actualize the idea. The coming up with the platform also involved a lot of brainstorming by podcasting company Odeo. The initial plan by Dorsey was to introduce a short messaging service platform that reached a group of few people, but later the technology grew bigger with more developments on the soft wares used. Twitter is the original name that was used initially, but later was changed to twitter. The use of Twitter was used to conform to the American communication standards. The messaging was programmed to hold one hundred and forty characters because its preliminary construction aim was to send short messages to groups. The word Twitter came from the chirps of the birds. The company uses the sign of a bird as its identification logo. The first test software and running program was used within the company after that it went external. Biz Stone, Evan Williams, Dorsey and other members acquired Odeo and twitter. The two companies were amalgamated to one by purchase of all investments and shares8. By the year 2007, the popularity and usage of twitter were reaching commendable levels. The daily number of tweets had grown from approximately twenty thousand to sixty thousand. The company also received the Festival Web Award prize for its good performance and quick information delivery. NASA also used tweeter to relay tweets from the international space stations to the ground control and individual mobile devices.
By January 2009, the site was among the highest social network sites. It provided the much-needed news spikes for the 2010 World football Cup. In April 2010, Atebis developed an Apple design that has since provided the much-needed platform for mobile based devices. In 2013, the organization rolled out the technology of for uploading music. In October 2013, the company was listed on the New York based trading security center. The company also raised a large capital by being listed on the stock market and taking some venture capital.
What are the developments seen during the year 2006 to 2014?
The company experienced rapid burst of growth after its inception in 2007. Over four hundred thousand tweets were posted quarterly in 2007. The number grew to almost hundred million in the first quarter of the year 2008. In 2010, Twitter users were sending over fifty million tweets daily. By the end March same year, the company enjoyed 70,000 based registered applicants. In June, the figure increased to 65 million daily hence one of the biggest figure on social media history. The number of people and the tweets has so far been growing steadily. Twitter’s managed to use various spikes during important events for example, during FIFA World Cup of 2010 when fans wrote two thousand nine hundred and forty messages per second. This record was even surpassed by three thousand and eighty five messages per second were during the NBA games9.
When American born singer and actor Mike Jackson passed on 25th June 2009 a record number of tweets was made. An amazing record was recorded in Japan after screening of some castle Movie. The application is now called Twitter and distributed free for the users. The alterations on Twitter comprised the capability to view images or pictures of your friends and re-tweeting them without worry. On 5th April 2011, Twitter presented a new site and phased out the old Twitter. On 8th December 2011, the website was overhauled to characterize Fly design aimed to promote advertisements. Twitter boosts her sixth based birthday while stating that it has over 140 million based users and recorder 340 million messages daily. On 5th June 2012 a company logo was created so as to reveal that the messages were received. On 5th October 2012, Twitter attained a video scene firm called Vine that was started in January 2013. Twitter created a Vine as a stand based application that enables users to share seven second loop video based clips.
Decemberm18th 2012, the system pronounced that it had exceeded over 200 million active twitters. Twitter recorded over 100 million monthly users in 2011. On 18th April 2013, Twitter created a music based application called Twitter system Music for the smartphones. On 28th August 2013, the twitter system attained Trend trailed by the purchase of twitter software on 9th September 2013. As of 2013 September, the firm’s information presented that over 200 million active users send almost 400 million messages daily, with 60% of messages sent from different mobile based devices. On 4th June 2014, it was announced that twitter will acquire a Namo media technology firm that specializes in advertisement for mobile devices.
Twitter places great reliance on openly sourced software. Twitter Web interface uses a framework that is deployed on a performance enhancement. Individual tweets are registered under unique identification software’s. Twitter has adjusted its web interface, adding a search bar and a sidebar of latest hot topics and the most common phrases appearing in messages. The developers explain that all messages are instantly indexed and are a newly launched feature, a discovery engine for finding out what is happening right now.
Twitter is now available in so many languages. For example, it is now available in Hebrew and Greek. In the year 2008, instant messaging was revamped and brought back to use after some years10. The software has been updated to access past messages. Twitter based bot is a computer like program that posts Twit automatically. It is made to tweet or re-tweet to other accounts. All Twits are public, but those twitting can also send some private based messages. It gathers personal documentation messages about its clients and shares the information with other parties. The service has a right to provide the information and sell it to the others like assets. While Twitter shows no advertising, publicists can target clients based on their history of tweets and may quote tweets in ads directed specifically to the user. Exposure could be used if the company knows the account used in the phone number. Within some weeks of the usage, Twitter created a Personal Identification number (PIN) that the users use to send own messages.
The History of Twitter is scintillating, and informative on the kind of innovative ideas witnessed in the past few days. Twitter is one of the social networks that have had a positive impact to the social lives of people. It is indeed worth noting that the speed of communication and relatedness has been improved by the twitter social and networking platform. Users can read news updates in real time and upload articles quickly. The application has also made the world to be a global village in terms of business and governance issues. Lastly, it is worth knowing and learning the history of Twitter to appreciate and use it to our advantage and to gain a vast knowledge and ideas that are deserved. Many people carry with them the mobile devices and would wish to get instant answers to the posed questions. It makes it easier to appreciate instant marketing technique. It is easier to draw out information for mobile phones, especially if it a text message, picture or vide. This is simple and not expensive compared to use of laptops. The mobile devices can also make it easier to create some promotions and incentive services to the main users. Furthermore, the user can provide the information vital for the whole work. Given that the phone devices have small screens, there are chances to have limited amount of information displayed. This is simple, less costly and quick to read over a given period of time. Moreover, the content appears in a consistent manner. The mobile sites re-connect directly with other users on the mobile devices. It enables for personal interaction at a larger based extent. Using twitter benefit, most marketers can start a direct based dialogue with the various twitter users, to get quick messages.
The responses from customers can be easily traced by the marketers and hence the information used to create some updated and quality services. Mobile device information can be easily shared by different users; therefore, mobile based marketing can a lot of benefits. Users’ information can be relayed to the companies and therefore vital for growth. Mobile marketing is currently explored, so the marketing niche is still good for any new based marketer. It means that the marketers stand a better success chance with own mobile marketing based efforts. There are still more opportunities upcoming with mobile technology and the ever changing and dynamic technology.
Moreover, mobile devices users enjoy the use of micro based blogging areas such as Twitter from their mobile devices. The micro based blogging characteristics can be very beneficial to the marketers11. The recent mobile based payment tool is very vital for the users daily. Twitter is linked up to sites that provide mobile money services. The users are given a secure online based payment arena that works through an advanced mobile like Website systems.
Some of the disadvantages include; mobile phones does not have possess particular based standard compared to Personal Computers and laptops. Mobile phones emanate in several sizes and shapes, so screen scope is never stable. Moreover, mobile platforms differ from one another, using diverse Operating schemes and browsers. Therefore, creating advertisements for the different standards can be tasking and costly.
Secondly, mobile marketers deserve to be acquitted with the fact that all users like for privacy based online12.Therefore; they should indulge in promoting certain activity permission from the users. The mobile devices emerge with a tiny screen and no mouse.