Islamic Feminism
The term Islamic feminism was associated with the 1990s and the rise of the Iranian men and women that was obvious in their different interpretation of Islamic feminist discourse and new gender-sensitive attitude to Quran.

Islamic Religion
Islam as a religion and a culture once dominated the dominated the world in terms of development.

Global Cold War
The Cold War was a significant period in which the superpowers, the U.S and the USSR aimed at promoting their capitalist and communist ideas respectively.

Consequences of Drug Use
Drugs have been known and consumed since ancient times. However, drug abuse has reached catastrophic proportions today, disturbing the entire world community.

Understanding the Court System
A landmark case occurred in the United States of America. The case was heard at Supreme Court. The petition was brought forth by a Michigan resident who claimed a violation of her rights to be enrolled in the Michigan law school on the ground that the school had admitted other students of a different race who had scored lower than her.

Perception of Whiteness in Japan
The perception of whiteness in Japan refers to a hierarchy of races, which remains topical in the today’s Japanese world. The Caucasians experience certain degree of racism that is present at legal and social institutions.

Having a College Degree vs. Not Having It
A popular saying notes that education is the equalizer of all men. Man, in this case, refers to both males and female. Thus, an individual’s ability to attain an education has the potential to make him or her equal to others.

Constitution Facing the Current Social Challenges
The role of the Constitution is crucial for the life of the American society today. Being written more than 200 years ago, this document still remains an effective tool to regulate the complicated relations in the democratic, but strongly diverse multinational society.

Relevance of Geology Diamond to me
The field of geology comprises of researches on earth components and their processes. There are some reasons why geology has a significant effect on an individual life, especially mine. But first, think about floods, landslides, earthquakes, droughts...

How to improve the education system
Education is the process of facilitating learning or acquiring knowledge, skills or habits through methods such as teaching, training or discussion; it is a vital aspect of every individual's life, and this is why it has been made a fundamental right globally.