December 19, 2018 in Business
Dunkin Donuts Managerial Roles Essay


The new role in a managerial position entails various functions that a manager must take into consideration. While organizations differ on the basis of industry, operating environment, product line or competitive strategy among others, the managerial function in most organizations entails the execution of defined roles. According to the Dunkin Donuts case study, the promotion to the district manager of the company involves the assumption of various functions and duties.

The promotion to the new position of an autonomous district manager who has been given the authority and power to manage the different business functions and process will require a systematic approach. It will enable the manager to control each aspect of the business accordingly. Current paper will critically evaluate the manager’s role in job design, organizational design, recruiting and selection, as well as training and performance appraisals. It is evident the manager’s success in the new role is dependent on his ability to manage such critical business functions effectively.

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Job Design

The new position at Dunkin Donuts as the district manager on the basis of previous performance is significant given the inherent autonomy from the company’s executive management. Therefore, job design is essential since it will enable the manager to understand each aspect of the business accordingly (Cummings & Worley, 2009). In essence, job design will entail performing various functions, roles, duties and regulations that are part of the managerial job description. A comprehensive understanding of the various business functions, roles and responsibilities will facilitate the development of an optimal productivity and motivation strategy.

Among the key functions of the new district manager will be to establish new branches for the business. Therefore, job design will entail developing strategies that will increase productivity through focused attention on improving the quality of the products, services and increasing output. In addition, job design will involve identification of strategies that will reduce operational costs in the entire district, including savings on training and reduction of turnover rates.

Meanwhile, productivity can only be realized if employees are adequately satisfied. Therefore, job design will emphasize on the development of employee motivation initiatives that will increase satisfaction (Cummings & Worley, 2009). It will be achieved through the development of a comprehensive policy that recognizes and awards achievement, increasing employee responsibilities on the basis of performance and competence. Furthermore, employees will be given an opportunity to advance and grow their careers within the organization. 

However, a comprehensive understanding of job design will require the development of a strategy that will enable the district manager to analyze the existing jobs, as well as the new ones that will be created. It is evident that job design entails an evaluation of existing jobs and their respective contribution towards the realization of organizational goals (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Therefore, a careful evaluation of current incentives, policies and frameworks for employee feedback is essential since such factors can influence employee motivation and efficiency in execution of jobs.

Organizational Design

The position of the new district manager for the company will require the development of an integrated organization design. It is evident that each branch involves various business units, such as sales, marketing, advertising and other business units. However, while such business units are independent in their functions, the information derived in each unit is required across the organization for decision making. For instance, since the business involves the sales of products, the marketing department should have statistical data of the sales level over a defined period in order to develop a marketing strategy that will enhance sales. Similarly, the human resource department requires information from the other departments, such as sales department, in order to determine how to motivate employees in the best way.

Therefore, the development of a comprehensive organization design will enable the creation and enhancement of effective communication systems, aid innovation and increases productivity (Cummings & Worley, 2009). In essence, organizational design enables employees to do their jobs effectively and optimally. Organizational design is critical since it delineates the various business processes, strategies for motivation, information sharing and the ability of each business function, unit and individual influence the overall performance of the business.

In essence, as the district manager of Dunkin Donuts the objecting of organizational design will entail the identification of dysfunctional areas in organizational procedures, workflow systems and structures. It will ensure that such aspects are re-aligned with the aim of increasing productivity, eliminating redundant systems and improving capacities of various systems (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Since the new position will entail the identification of potential markets and establishment of new branches, ensuring that the organization design can meet the challenges of the new expansions is critical. Therefore, concentrated efforts will be focused on enhancing customer services, minimizing overall operational costs, improve efficiency and increase profitability (Cummings & Worley, 2009). Organizational design will be premised on developing strategies that will enhance the management and growth of the new businesses.

Recruitment and Selection

The new position as a district manager will entail the recruitment and selection of employees for the various positions that will emerge as a result of the expansion. It is evident that Dunkin Donuts will require new people to fill the positions that will become available after the new branches have been established. Therefore, the responsibility of the new district manager will entail the identification of vacancies and the appropriate qualifications for the job. Therefore, the recruitment process will ensure that the various business units and departments identify critical positions that will be required for the realization of set objectives and business goals (Zaharie & Osoian, 2013). Since the business will entail the creation of new branches, it is evident that a number of positions will be created. However, the recruitment process will define each positions according to the job description, professional qualifications, skills and experiences required for the job.

Each identified position will entail the definition of key duties, responsibilities and roles of the employees in their various capacities. Hence, as a manager, it will be critical to identify the purpose of the position, critical functions and minimum requirements for a potential candidate (Zaharie & Osoian, 2013). The accurate and comprehensive definition of available positions will facilitate the development of a comprehensive recruitment plan.

Each identified position must be verified and authenticated to ensure that redundancy is eliminated or creation of positions that are irrelevant is prevented. Therefore, the recruitment plan will entail defining the posting period for the identified positions, placement goals, identification of advertisement resources and advertisement media (Zaharie & Osoian, 2013). Significantly, the recruitment plan will engage the services of agencies that can recruit workers from a diverse pool of qualified individuals.

Since Dunkin Donuts is a growing regional company, the selection process of potential candidates cannot be conducted by a single individual, and it will require the establishment of a selection committee that will conduct the selection process. Once a selection committee has been identified, the positions will be posted and the recruitment process initiated.

Training and Performance Appraisals

Dunkin Donuts is a company that appreciates the performance of its employees. However, in order for employees to perform their duties, training and performance appraisal strategy must be developed and implemented (Schraeder, Becton & Portis, 2007). Therefore, it is critical to identify areas that require training, develop a training strategy and methods that aim at improving performance and employee motivation. It will reduce wastage of resources, while enhancing productivity. Hence, the development of a training strategy should focus on individual needs and not on the basis of employee desires for the realization of the intended objective (Schraeder, Becton & Portis, 2007).

The training strategy should emphasize on identifying whether the training will impact the company’s objective and employee productivity. Therefore, as the district manager, it will be critical to ensure that training and performance appraisal strategies are based on each employee’s roles, duties and responsibilities in the business. It is essential that training parameters, needs and objectives have to be identified with the aim of developing a basis within which the entire training and development program will be conducted (Schraeder, Becton & Portis, 2007). As such, a comprehensive evaluation of training programs is crucial since the entire process should be performed with care bearing in mind the organizational goals and objectives.

Therefore, it is critical to identify training needs that benefit the business and the individuals. The objective of training is to enhance employees’ capacity to perform their respective duties efficiently and effectively hence, increasing productivity and overall profitability. The objectives of the training process is the realization of individual and organizational goals. Particularly, training needs are essential to an organization, since they are the basis within which goals and objectives are realized. They can be attained through the connecting of human resource capacities with organizational input and subsequent maximization of developmental opportunities and optimizing potential of each employee (Schraeder, Becton & Portis, 2007).


The roles of a manager are diverse and require the implementation of comprehensive strategies to ensure that each aspect of the business is functioning accordingly. The development of job design and organizational design strategies is essential in ensuring that the various organizational functions are working according to plan. 

Regarding the Dunkin Donuts business strategy to expand its operations regionally, it is essential for the district manager to ensure that each aspect of the business is adequately planned and contingencies established before the new branches can be established. In addition, the selection and recruitment of employees must be carefully conducted to ensure that the recruited staff are qualified, competent and meet the specified job requirements. Similarly, the training and appraisal strategy should focus on enhancing motivation, productivities and development of employees with the aim of enhancing performance towards the attainment of organizational goals.


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