July 1, 2020 in Analysis
Final Paper

The French revolution that began in 1789 involved an event that is commonly referred to as the “women’s march on Versailles” . This event is highly influential on the movie “And God Created Man”. Juliette Hardy, a cast in the movie has a sexual energy with high level. She does not engage in the efforts of restraining her natural sensuality therefore making various men around her to be attracted her. The sexual revolution event in the movie is clearly brought out by Juliette; the sexual revolution queen who makes women everywhere to emulate her hairstyle, her makeup and her outfits which included a bikini, hot pants and boots. The movie “And God created man” is highly influenced by the “women’s march on Versailles” event that occurred in France in 1789 during the French revolution hence illustrating its dedication to appreciating the power of women in the society.  

An Overview of the Historical Event

The women’s march on Versailles is also referred to as the October march. This was one of the most significant events that occurred during the French revolution of 1789 . The march involved Paris marketplace women who were involved in riots because of the high price of bread as well as its scarcity. This famine, the scarcity of bread was caused by grain market deregulation implemented by Turgot, the finance controller general to the king . This famine became more common with the third state lower strata and there were rumors of starving the poor by the “pacte de famine” . This was a plot that could involve the destruction of wheat crops consequently leading to the starving of the population. Therefore, the women demonstrations consequently became intertwined with the revolutionary’s activities seeking for political reforms that were liberal as a well as a constitutional monarchy for the French. The market women came together with their allies basically encouraged by the agitators of the French revolution. The women engaged in the ransacking of the city armory with a view of getting weapons and then proceeded to the palace of Versailles. Upon besieging the palace using violent confrontations, the women succeeded in pressing their demands against Louis XVI, the king . The following day, the crowd was able to compel the king, the family to the king and most members of the French assembly to return to Paris with them. 

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The goal of the march was to end the hunger and despair that was connected to the marketplace women. However, this search for bread led to another ambitious goal. Despite the fact that the Hotel Ville had opened its full stores to the women who were rioting, they still remained unsatisfied. They did not just want one meal but an assurance of cheap and plentiful bread. This was because famine was prevalent for the third state lower strata.  Therefore, the march also involved some political aspects because of the common resentment over the reactionary attitudes that concerned the circles of the court. There was uproar within the crowd for the king to dismiss his entire royal bodyguards and put the national guardsmen who were patriotic in their place . The second witnessed uproar was for the king, his assembly and the court to move with the crowd to Paris in order for him to reside among the people.  The women and the revolutionists believed that it was good for the French to have the availability of food that was reliable and also it was god for the French to be served by a communion leader basically residing with them. This confrontation by the women brought to an end the Independence of the king and was of huge significance the power change and the change in reforms in France. 

The Prominent People During the Historical Event

There are two generally prominent women that are associated with the Women’s March on Versailles during the French Revolution. These are Olympe de Gouges and Madame Roland. To begin with, Olympe de Gouges wrote various plays, novels besides short stories. She highly emphasized for equality of both men and women in her publications arguing that the differences that existed between men and women should not allow women to be denied the right of equality before the law. She therefore insisted that women also deserved their rights for equality as provided in her “declaration on the rights of women” . Thus she emphasized on the rights that directly concerned a woman such as divorce and illegitimate children recognition.

On the other hand, Madame Roland was another crucial female activist during the French revolution that stirred the March on Versailles. She basically focused on various aspects of the government rather than the liberation of women. However, she was a feminist who was working on the virtue of influencing the world. She personally wrote letters to the leaders of the French Revolution. She also hosted regular political gatherings of the Brissotins political group that allowed the membership of women.

How this Period is Typically Regarded by Historians

There have been ongoing debates by historians in the last periods of the 20th century on the role of women on the French revolution as well as the long term impacts of the French revolution on the French women . Historians provide the fact of the unavailability of political rights in regard to women in France before the French revolution. That is, the French women were termed as “passive citizens” who were generally forced to rely on men as far as what was good for them was concerned . Therefore, historians view a dramatic change in the role of women as witnessed in the women’s march on Versailles during the French revolution thus advancing the concept of feminism.  Feminism arose in Paris as part of demanding for social reform and political reform. The women therefore demanded for equality and an end to the male dominion that was common in Paris during that period. The women used pamphlets in addition to women’s club as the chief vehicles for their agitation. However, this was not entirely successive as the women’s clubs were abolished. 

Therefore, according to historians, the Women’s March on Versailles event of the French Revolution provided an avenue whereby women made use of the political environment that was volatile to force their way in to the sphere of politics . They made oaths of loyalty and the solemn declarations of their patriotic allegiance besides their affirmations of responsibilities of citizenship in regard to politics. Thus, historians term the March to Versailles as an example of militant activism that is feminist during the 1789 French Revolution . The women agitated for their full citizenship. However, is it sad to note that the women were denied their active right of citizenship and their political right. This was because they were reminded by the men to stay at home and take care of the affairs of their families and to leave the public affairs to the men only.

How this Historical Period Manifests in the Film

The March on Versailles historical period manifests itself in the film “and God created Women” in various ways. Juliette is an existentialist icon of feminism in the film just as various feminists icons are seen in the historical event. Firstly, she expresses a sexual energy that is lively and therefore providing a conclusion that “males are an object for her, as much as she is an object for them” . She tries to put forth the notion of equality between men and women. She disregards the societal restraints that are imposed on women as well as the opinion of others towards women by lying with nudity in her yard. She becomes so much obsessed with her sexuality such that she is able to make many men chasing after her. In regard to the historical event, women are given a second class position in the French society. They are expected to sit at home and take care of their families and sun away from public matters as these were men affairs. However, these women try to break loose from the stereotypes of the French society. In the film, Juliette remains true to herself by remaining true to her husband despite the fact that she goes out with many other women. This is also manifested in the historical event whereby despite the fact that women were campaigning for their political rights and their full rights to citizenship, they still remained patriotic to their nation fighting for both social reforms and political reforms. 

Specific Scene from the Film which you Believe Best Embodies the Influence of History on the Film

The specific scene from the film that best embodies the influence of history of history on the film is the scene that involves the marriage of Juliette. Juliette’s, first suitor is Eric Carradine, who is older than her and wealthy too. He tries to put up a new casino within the town but he is blocked by a shipyard which is located on the land on which he needs for the development process. This shipyard is owned by the family of Tardieu . Antoine, one of the Tardieu family’s son comes back home for a weekend with a view of discussing the development issue. However, Juliette is really waiting to go back with him. It is disappointing that he ends up leaving the town without her as he had short term intentions. The guardians to Juliette become pissed off with her sexual behavior and threaten her that she will be sent back to the orphanage.

Consequently, Carradine pleads Antoine to marry Juliette with a view of keeping her in town. Antoine does not take the issue seriously which makes Michel his younger brother to rise up to the challenge and proposes to Juliette whom he was secretly in love with. Despite having a love relationship with the elder brother, Juliette decides to get married to Antoine. While in the marriage with Antoine, she starts engaging in bizarre acts . She goes to bed claiming that she has fever. She also confesses to her husband’s little brother of their fling while in the beach whereby they engaged in a sexual affair. While Michel goes to their room to talk about the issue with Juliette, he founds her gone to the bar with a view of dancing and drinking. When Michel tries walking out of the room in order to go find Juliette, he is blocked by his elder brother Antoine and they have to engage in a fight in order for him to get the keys to the door. Antoine describes his brother’s wife as a “bitch whore” who should be left alone . Michel however finds a way out and goes to find his wife at the bar.

At the bar, his presence is not realized by Juliette as she keeps on dancing and drinking and she refuses to return home. In addition, she also refuses to talk to her husband and keeps on engaging in her bizarre acts. Her friend mentions her bizarre acts to Eric who also decides to come and collect her. Meanwhile, Michel orders her to stop dancing but she refuses to listen which forces him to take out his gun. At the moment when he was just about to shoot her, Eric is able to step in which results into him taking the bullet in his hand. Antoine takes Eric to hospital. Back at the bar, Juliette is angrily slapped by Michel four times but she responds by smiling back at him. They then go back home together hand in hand .

In the above mentioned scene is therefore highly influenced by history specifically referring to the March to Versailles during the French Revolution. The women who engaged in the protests during the French revolution were fighting for equality in the French society. That is for them to be treated equally as men and for them to be allowed to participate in the matters of the state. This is the same case with the film “and God created women” . From the above mentioned scene, history has influenced the way men behave in the society. From a historical point of view in regard to the norms of the society, men are placed above women. Women are supposed to be submissive to men and their husbands. They are supposed to be respected at all times by women and their wives. This is well manifested in Juliette marriage whereby Antoine, the eldest brother to her husband tells him to let her go as she is a “slut”. Apart from this, while in the club, Juliette refuses to listen to her husband, this makes him to slap her as he expects to be respected. 

On the other hand, history is manifested in the manner in which Juliette carries herself around.  She overlooks what others think of her especially the men around her. She does not believe in the fact that women are supposed to be there as sexual objects. She tries to fight for the equality of women by putting forth the fact that men can also be used as sexual tools by women as illustrated by her high sexual desire .  Moreover, she fails to be submissive to her husband as shown by his disrespectful nature to her husband at the bar. She basically makes men to fight over her because of her charm and beauty which makes men to be heads over heels because of her.


In conclusion, the March on Versailles that was witnessed during the French revolution highly impacted on the “and God created women” film. This historical event involved protests made by the French women because of the scarcity of bread as well as its high price. The French women were also fighting for equality and for them to be involved in the affairs of politics. This historical event was characterized by two prominent women who agitated for the rights of women in addition to the social and political reforms in France. Therefore, it can be said that the historical event influenced the happenings in the mentioned movie as the main character was also fighting for the equality of women in the society that had various expectations in regard to women. She wanted to show them that women should not just be viewed as sexual tools as men can also be sexual tools to women.  She also puts forth the idea that women too should be respected and should not just remain submissive to men.


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