Content Analysis and Discourse Analysis
The Research Question
Immigration has constantly been a big issue of challenge for many states in the world. This relates to people’s movements from the less developed to the developed nations of the world. In result, many developed countries are facing economic and social management challenges due to the influence of illegal immigrants in their states. This discourse analysis looks into discussion of the issue of illegal immigrants from Afghanistan. This has significance considering the diversity of the issue of illegal immigrants from Afghanistan in terms of the many countries that they migrate to and their consequential relation effects. As such, this discourse analysis focuses on the issue of illegal Afghanistan immigrants into Australia. It views an analysis of media publications relating to the issue of illegal immigrants into Australia and the various resultant response of the government to the issue. These issues are in totality of the government’s actions the immigrants’ views, and the views of Australian citizens. It will seek to determine the state of the challenge of Afghanistan immigrants into Australia and the various views of the government among other stakeholders on the appropriate response mechanisms applicable.
The mechanism applicable by the state over the issue of afghan immigrants is a complex one in discussion due to the various stakeholders of the issue. In result, Australia has had a hard time in dealing with the issue of deporting immigrants as directly as the United States. In result of this discourse analysis, it will be identified of the state of afghan immigrants into Australia, the different stakeholders into the issue, and the views of the stakeholders in terms of supporting deportation by the state or the offering of asylum to them. This will be related to the print media publications as reports of the views of the general society.
The Data
The choice of data to analyze in this discourse analysis was that from different print media news article. The articles are selected in view of their subject and thematic relation to the subject issue of discussion. The choice of print media news articles has the advantage of providing diverse data and information relating to different regions and aspects of influence on the issue. Through this, it proved possible to obtain information that is relating to the issue at hand within the possible ranges of diversity of information on the matter. The use of newspaper articles is also a nice way through which the real views of the people can be obtained. Newspapers are reports of what has or is happening in the society with reference to the truth. As such, most of the reports and information obtained from such articles on the subject matter can be used as reliable reference material. This means that the use of these newspaper articles is one that enables for reliability and credibility as firsthand proof and reference can be obtained on the same.
The period range at which the articles were obtained in a two-year window period. A two year window period is just large enough to obtain many articles relating to the subject matter but also sizable enough to eliminate ambiguity of timeframe and quantification of such large ranges. This is to say that the two years are a period through which occurrences in the society over the subject matter can be related to each other. As such, the different articles obtained from this period comprise of relating information and data from the face of similar environmental and social conditions. This is important in ensuring that the data and information obtained is themed to a specific period of the issue. Taking for instance, the two-year window period that is given for the analysis shares the common aspect of being the height of occurrence of immigrations from afghan to Australia. This was a time that the regions immigration was the highest and such prompting for the rise in diversity of responses and opinions from the general public and the main stakeholders of the issue. As such, the data and information obtained from this window period will be relevant in referencing to a time period where Afghanistan immigrations into Australia was at its highest in and revoked for a widespread uproar of opinions and information.
The Method of Analysis
The analysis of the materials was conducted through a series of different analytical processes. The first was the identification of the related news articles to be analyzed in the discourse. This was achieved through the search of different relevant sources and internet websites. The search of these was done through the involving of the key words; ‘Afghanistan immigrations into Australia.’ Through this, a series of articles were obtained. They were then sieve in relation to obtaining only those that fell within the two year timeframe window; from January 2010 to December 2011. This narrowed the articles down to a more manageable number. There was then applied thematic analysis that obtained articles that related to the state of Afghanistan immigrations into Australia and the varying opinions of different peoples and stakeholders in the society over the issue. Through this, it was possible to obtain the n-number of articles required for the discourse analysis study. Through this n-number of articles, the analysis further went to identify the number and state of stakeholders on the subject matter and the side of opinion they lie in line with their reported opinions.
The discourse analysis was conducted simply using a thematic analysis and position grouping of the information and data obtained. The thematic analysis looked into the indemnification of the different stakeholders and external parties with reference and opinion to the issue of Australian Afghanistan immigrants. Through this, it was then possible to obtain the required number and identification of the various stakeholders and external parties who are in opinion of the subject matter. This is in relation to the response action or strategy programs that the Australian government and authorities should take. As such, this was able to provide with the list of stakeholders to the issue of the Afghanistan immigrant into Australia and the nature through which their influence the response programs and initiatives the Australian government is, should, and will employ on the issue.
Once the stakeholders were obtained the next step was of an analysis that focused on the division of the article stakeholders in relation to the proponents of eviction on the Afghanistan Australian immigrants from Australia and those that are on the side of supporting some form of asylum or deal beneficial to the immigrants to be made. Through this, it was able to determine the number of stakeholders on either sides of the issue. This form of data and information obtained was from the various views and reports made on the newspaper articles. The determination of these numbers can then be converted to provide a rate on the opinions of the stakeholders on either side. This can them be extrapolated in relation to the recent tally rates of the Afghanistan immigrants into Australia. Through this, it can thus be subject to the rationalization of the decisions made by the government on the issue. Furthermore, it is a most vital business accomplishment for various businesspersons operating across the borders as it releases the economic, social, and political tension forces in the environment.
The Results
The analysis was able to establish that there were various internal and external stakeholders to the subject matter at hand (, 2011). These include the Australian government, the citizens, human rights groups, political institutions, renowned opinionated individuals, news media reporters, external countries, Afghanistan government officials, and the Afghanistan society inclusion the immigrants (Kazem-Stojanovic, 2011). These comprised of a total of 10 stakeholders to the subject matter at hand. In relation to these 10 stakeholders, it was identified that their support for the detainment and deportation of Afghanistan immigrants from Australia to those supporting for their assistance was at the rate of 1:10. This indicated that out of the 10 stakeholders identified in the analysis, nine of them were for the idea of presenting an asylum form of agreement with the immigrants (Kellaway, 2010). On the other hand, the one was against the idea. These results obtained can consequently be extrapolated to indicate the situation that occurs within the really society on the subject matter (Mombo, 2011). This form of extrapolation can also be used in the development of a future projection through the development of a trend within the two years that can then be extrapolated to the desired period. The results obtained were then compared to their different views in relation to the focus mater behind their different views. In result, it became possible for the results obtained to be related to the different reasons behind them in relation to the specific interest o hold that each of the stakeholders holds on the issue, stands to gain when things go according to their views or go against their views (Sedghi & Rogers, 2011). It also became important in the study to understand the background through which the different stakeholders hold in relation to the Afghanistan immigrants or their effects to Australia amongst other factors.
The stakeholders established to be in support of the asylum or peaceful dealing with Afghanistan immigrants were mainly based on emotional and/or authoritative gain in the process. The citizens supporting it were base mainly on issues of humanitarian basis (Kellaway, 2010). On the other hand, there were also eh stakeholders who stood to gain something from the matter such as the easing of operations for business investors between the two regions, and the immigrants who seek better life from the Australian side amongst others. On the other hand, the Australian government and its advisers were largely identified as supporting the subject matter of deportation of immigrants back to their countries and enforcing strict anti-immigration laws and policies for the punishment of immigrants caught in Australia. This opinion and decision is because upon increased immigrations Australia is faced with various economical, financial, political, and social challenges. These challenges are facing the Australian government as a sole entity without assistance from any other body or stakeholders (Sedghi & Rogers, 2011). In result, the state would feel very overwhelmed and strong against the idea of giving the immigrants asylum and the permission to set camp in the region. Furthermore, there is the threat of even more immigrants arriving in Australia immediately such decisions have been made. This would stand as threatening to the government’s state of being posed as the main body responsible for the provision of security and development for its region. An increased population from the immigrants would only pose the challenge of catering for their needs by the state that is already facing harsh economic times.
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This means that the government is held at a state of dilemma on whether to adhere to the opinion and needs of the majority by giving assistance to the Afghanistan immigrants or to ignore all their opinions focusing on its role of providing security and protection for its citizens. This would involve revoking all friendly treatment o immigrants and employing of strict anti-immigration laws between the two regions such that new immigrants are discouraged. However, a fact is that these measures have been in application for a very long time without yielding of the desired results as the rates of immigration have been on the rise for the longest years. Furthermore, even in countries that are considered as successful in the forceful deportation and detaining of immigrants such as the United States actually achieve nothing due to the cyclical effects that method has. This means that there is the need for the Australian government and authorities to either change focus or agree with the 90% promoting peaceful support for immigrants against having them detained and deported (Mombo, 2011).
In conclusion, one of the most interesting alternatives established from the analysis is one involving the offering of $10,000 that to incentivize the immigrants to agree to willingly travel back to their original homes. However, this is debatable in the fact that it is also acting as an incentive for the other potential immigrants in Afghanistan to migrate to Australia. It also opens the doors for corrupt individuals embezzling funds of the sate towards such projects that have been known not to work. It is also a reverse incentive in that it promoted for an increase in the rate of immigrations as the individual seek the awarding of the $10,000 deportation. There will actually arise some individuals who conduct this as business through a series of returns to Australia. The only sure way for ensuring this is for the government to employ sure strategies for the deterring of illegal immigrant entrances somewhere at the border